Saturday 4 October 2014

Happy Fall Week!

Welcome, I've Quit My Old Blog ;D & happy
autmn week (or fall week)
as the 'americans'call it i think
but where i come from it's autumn (;'
but and 10th of august is drum rollllll......
dun dun dun (bo) angeling week idk if i'll be on
for that day becouse im on a trip i think idk....
so get you're outfits ready and allso tysssssm for lvl26 (;'
seeeeeeeeeeeeeee xD
holly's blog pls read to keep updated as one of her latest blog posts is about 'hacking' before i go
i'dlike to say happy halloween for whenit comes as imight not be off this year D;' as my mum pays too much
money on costumes so we may just be giving all sweets ;D, Bye